Creating the Life You Want Isn't Hard. Here's How to Do it.

Sometimes, creating the life we want needs to be simplified. We make it too DANG difficult!

If you have spent any time in the self-help genre, you know there are about 100,000 different ways to “become healthy.” Most of them are ridiculously cliche’d exercises or mind-games that are exciting and beneficial for about two days. Sometimes three.


But, for today’s post, I thought I would share a mini-activity that can help you start to recreate your internal world. And if you are a good student of self-help, you know that internal health dictates external circumstances (I actually believe that one).

Anyhow, without further ado, here is what I suggest you do.

For every major area of life, write a sentence as if your dreams have already come to fruition.

Here is my example of sentences that motivates me:


BODY HEALTH - My body is healthy, active, and adventurous.

ROMANCE - I am in my dream romantic relationship.

FINANCES - I have more money than I know what to do with.

CAREER - I love what I do. I’m impacting millions of people regularly.

SPIRITUALITY - I live in God’s Presence, and I partner with His wisdom.

SELF ESTEEM - I am confident in every situation and relationship. I’m comfortable in my own skin.

REST and RECREATION - I go on frequent vacations and balance my lifestyle with random hobbies.

PERSONAL (whatever you want) - I am addiction free. And proud of my life and lifestyle.

PERSONAL #2 (whatever you want) - I face difficult circumstances without resistance or anxiety.

Use the general outline of these categories to make your own motivating sentences. But, here is the secret sauce: you have to make it visual and emotional to make it manifest.

The reason vision boards, affirmations, and self help mantras don’t work is because they aren’t connected to our deeper selves. It’s sort of like expecting an our stomach ache to go away because we got a spray tan. It might make you appear different, but it changes very little about your internal world.

For this activity, post your sentences in a place where you can’t avoid them. And set two times a day when you are going to review them. For example, maybe you post them on your bathroom mirror where you brush your teeth. Or, perhaps you set a regular alarm in your phone that includes the list.

When you encounter your list, allow yourself to visualize each category one at a time. For example, perhaps you are focusing on the financial category. Allow your heart and mind to create scenarios where it has already manifested. Maybe you see your checking account with $1,235,233.23, and it grows before your eyes. Maybe you picture your email with dozens of receipts for purchases people have made with you. Maybe you picture yourself going to a car dealership, buying the car of your dreams, and paying cash. You get the idea. Put yourself in visceral situations that draw out your emotions.


Do this for every category twice a day. If that feels like it is too much, do half of your list each time. Regardless, allow yourself to feel each of those “dream” situations twice a day. Allow yourself to imagine them being real situations in your life.

Remember, this should be fun! You might have a few “feels” about letting yourself believe for these things, but it will ultimately pay off in extreme dividends.

Basically, you are counter-acting your disappointing scripts (and the scripts that have given you what you currently possess). You will be giving your subconscious (and the spiritual world) new marching orders for your life.


Last point: imagine these things as if they have already happened! It does you no good to believe, “I really hope I get ___________ someday.” That would essentially be confirming to your subconscious that it DOESN’T have those things. And that script will reenact. If you allow yourself to “believe” you have those things, THAT will be the script that gets played out.

Get creative. Get weird. Have fun!


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